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That's a great sight. I have had my eyes open for signs of garden preparation in my town, but it's a bit early here. We can still expect nights with temps below freezing. People have their plants started inside, though, so the anticipation is building. I don't put in a garden, but if I did I would go with what you have planned = everything needed for the perfect summer meal.

How beautiful -- wish I could be there! Our town is talking about putting together a community farm or garden, and I hope it all comes together. Happy Spring!

We have a few community gardens around here. I may have to join, as our side bit is getting too shady as the trees grow.
It's early though , in our zone.

What a nice plot of land. You can tell how much you love your garden! The older I grow, the more I appreciate those who know how to garden!

Your garden looks beautiful. I can only imagine how it looks now as so many things are ready for harvest! I've been enjoying tomatoes, onions, lettuce, peas, and strawberries from my garden. Nothing is more satisfying than food you worked to grow!

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