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In a recent conversation, it was said that the Boomers had Ten Years After sing "I'd Love to Change the World," and then they tried to. Today's youth have Mayer singing "Waiting on the World To Change." Wouldn't it be nice if the Boomers could show them how it's done, using their voices, their fashion and their music collectively to effect the changes close to their hearts.

"...especially when the world appears to be falling apart around us," because isn't that when we most need innocence and idealism? I have been thinking along these same lines lately, knowing that I can worry myself into oblivion or I can use my optimism to push through all the negativity and move forward. What do we have to lose? Nothing. But we have a lot to gain. Count me in.

Great post. As a Boomer, I've often wondered where some of my "radical enthusiasm" disappeared. After getting married and having a family, I think I re-focused a lot of my old political energy on domestic concerns, but after my son grew and left home, I found my cause again. I campaigned for Obama last fall, and became more political than ever. I think there's a lot of hope for us, still...

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