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Oh if only all snowfalls were like that ... picturesque, falling gently, covering the ground in a white blanket, then melting away by day's end! We said farewell to our garden a few weeks ago too. With an extremely rainy summer, our tomato plants didn't fare well. Maybe next year ...

Keeping fingers crossed that sweet snowfalls like this are all we get here this winter.

I know well the early morning anxiety and panic. While I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone, it helps to know that it's part of this time of transition. I agree that self re-invention is exhausting, with feelings of loss about the past and insecurity about the future. I like the thought that I've always been on the true path...but now the scenery has changed. I have changed, too, on the inside in ways that I am just beginning to understand.

Oh my, I read this and got to the part about waking up at 55, looking back, feeling anxiety, and thought you must be seeing inside of me. This is a very powerful, beautiful piece of writing, expressing where I am today... thank you for making me feel less crazy and alone in these feelings. And the lone bagpiper playing at the end struck my Scottish ancestral heart.

Thanks, Sharon and Cindy. Your comments help me realize that I'm not the only one experiencing this, and that even though I don't have all the words to fully express it, what I am saying still resonates with others.

And my Scottish ancestry is speaking to me, too. This area I live in -- the Columbia Gorge, with its hills, cliffs, and dramatic weather and scenery -- is so much like Scotland. No wonder I feel at home here.

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