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That's a huge undertaking, and a life changing one at that. I am delighted for you. Our mouths say a lot about us and our overall health, as heart doctors will now tell you.

I had braces put on when I was 45. I figured it was then or never. I have never liked the way my teeth look - they are too small for my mouth - and my bite was getting worse as I got older. Fortunately I had a good doctor, who had taken care of all three of my children. It took four years but I did see an improvement. My teeth aren't any bigger but I'm not embarrassed to smile and my bite is better.

May courage and clarity continue to accompany you on this journey ~

Thanks for your support, Sharon, and especially those words in the last line ... Courage and clarity".

I think this is a wonderful, healthy, and courageous step to take. I so agree with you -- that you should face the other half of your life feeling good about yourself. I like the way you put it, "moving forward with my life."

I never liked the appearance of my teeth, either, and had them rebonded recently. Not only did it help repair lost enamel, but improved my smile -- and made me want to smile more. You can't put a price on that kind of improvement. Your work sounds a lot more involved, but you've got the right attitude and I wish you well! We will get to see a photo of your new smile later on? :-)

Hmm. Maybe even the whole face to go with the smile. :D

Kudos to you for undertaking this work. It says much about you that you're looking to the future, planning positively. I agree with Sharon, it seems a journey, almost a transition, taking you from one place in life to another. Best wishes ...

Thanks, Joanne. Now that the transition is in process, I can already see how far I've come.

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