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Yes, remember the snow and think cool. I read that Seattle is having a similar heat wave, uncommon there too. Hopefully you will soon have cooler nights ~ we use the draw-the-cooler-air-in-at-night trick when we need it, which we haven't yet this summer. Here's looking toward August and the summer we've been looking forward to.

Yes, the northeast seems to be having a wonderfully mild summer so far. I'll be happy to send some of this heat eastward to you. :)

Omigosh, for a minute there, I thought maybe you were having a blizzard there this month! I will take a little more heat here in Michigan, though not the high nineties, which are expected later this weekend.
Love seeing your kitties, too!

With the odd weather we've all been having lately, I'll never say "never" about anything. After a week of extended hot weather, this week we had highs in the 60s. It got downright chilly at night. I don't think I'd have been shocked to open the blinds in the morning and see snow on the deck.

We've got the heat now. There are some here who are ready to see it go. I, however, am enjoying it because I know it will not last. Fall is fast approaching.

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