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I am learning to be more philosophical about living with questions. As for my kaleidoscope, I am still trying to corral my colorful shards, which are scattered from one end of my life to the other. Looks like I have more observing and experiencing to do.

Oh yes, isn't this the most wonderful quote?! I am a longtime fan of "Letters to A Young Poet," and I try to reread it every couple of years or so. At midlife now, I find something new in it each time I dip back into it. Thanks for this reminder. You are a kindred spirit on this path.

Sharon - I love the image of colorful shards. And I figure when I stop observing and experiencing, I'll be dead. :D

Cindy - It's always amazing to me that when I write things that I need to hear, it also speaks to others. The mystic in me knows that we are connected, but it's good to get a more 'earthly' confirmation of that. And to touch others also walking this path ...

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