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I am so sorry to hear about your loss of your mother this week. What sad news, it must be a difficult time for you. Regarding your genealogical research and your farming dna, I once asked a friend of the family who lived well into her 90s what her secret to a long life was. She answered, "Hard work on the farm." But I think that ethic does come from the core strength within, as you mention. Take care, my thoughts are with you.

Thanks, Joanne. It's been a time of remembering and contemplating ... I feel rather "full", with my feelings and the things I'm now seeing and realizing. As with everything in life, bittersweet.

Thinking of you during this time of ending and beginning. Take care of yourself.

As I said elsewhere, my thoughts are with you xx

Thanks, Sharon and Azh.

I have been out of town, and just recently had a chance to catch up to your posts. I am SO sorry to learn about your mother's passing. Wishing you a time of healing and reflection.

Thanks, Cindy. It's definitely being a time for both deep reflection and healing.

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