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Isn't that the truth ....that we find what we're seeking when we ease up and stop looking? Usually works for me. I love that. Interestingly, the culture we live in tells us to "keep working hard at it" and to beat it to death. I don't buy that anymore.

It's almost as though if we just allow ourselves to "be" in the moment, and not be striving or seeking or moving onward, everything falls into place. A peace, in a way.

"In its own time" is the key here. Not "my" time, which is the piece that is so hard for me to accept. The universe is patient, which means there is still time.

There's a kind of relief that comes when I let go of trying to make something happen. Sometimes there's great wisdom in saying "I give up."

And I agree about what our culture has done with this. It's really doing violence to ourselves, and ironically it's not effective in helping us accomplish what we say we want to accomplish. It's like fighting with life instead of allowing it to unfold.

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