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Your speculation "that this latest trend in social networking may have to do with some sort of spiritual evolution of the species" is the most optimistic perspective I've heard. I hope you're right.

I've kept my internet networking only to blogs; no facebook, no twittering. I like the connections with blogs, where it seems more of a dialogue gets going, almost more of a letter writing feel to it.

Wow, this is a really interesting post, and something I've been thinking about, too, for a while. Being a community person -- in the 3D sense -- I worry that we are all spending SO much time online (Twitter, text messages, e-mail, Facebook, and blogging) that we are losing the art of real, face-to-face conversation and contact. Lately I've been feeling overly connected -- or sucked into spending way too much time hugging my computer. With that in mind, I have made a deliberate attempts lately to schedule lunch dates and coffee dates with my neighbors and friends.

Online connections are wonderful, and i love how the Net brings the world to me. But there is the danger of losing touch with reality. Literally.

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