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This is a deep, thought-provoking post. There have been a few times in my life when I met someone who "gets" me, and that is the most validating feeling in the world. One such person was the professor who met with me before I started graduate school. Six months into the program I decided I had to quit my teaching job. At the beginning of the summer session I told this professor, simply, that I had quit my job. He looked right at me and said, "It's hard to have integrity, isn't it?" We didn't need a lengthy discussion; his question said it all.

While as the psychologists say, validation is an "inside job", we humans have a need for connection and acknowledgement, to be heard and to have who we are reflected back to us. It's ironic, because at a certain level, we all "get" each other, all the time. We just don't realize it or show it.

Interesting that I'm posting this comment on Valentine's Day, because I suspect this has something to do with "love" ... but I guess that's for another blog post. :)

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