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Happy Anniversary to you Kitty and the kitty cats:) You have been through hell and back in the last year and are now finding your own piece of peace and happiness...Bravo and Hugs sent your way. How rainy does it get and have allergies and sinuses been in emergency care since then? Your new home state looks lush and beautiful....I always think, it is so progressive (if I moved there) but would my bad allergies and sinuses survive and need for basic sunlight.

But having 4 seasons is appealing...you are always the trail blazer...

good to see you in good spirits....May good karma and hugs and peace be yours:)

Michael from NJ (as opposed to the Michael from NY who also comments:)

I definitely have noticed the allergies and sinuses. There is always something blooming here, even if it's just mold. Interestingly, I haven't had as much hay fever-type problems as I did down South, but whatever's around here tends to make my eyes burn (during late spring, I think it was the alder trees out back.)

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