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oh yes. I can see great things in that child's future. ;)

:D Oh, so do I.

That is so cute!! Thanks Kitty!

Hi Kitty,

I believe that as long as we have to live with ourselves, we're living on the edge.

And the things we do to avoid that very thing ... denial, addictions, projecting our "stuff" onto others and fighting it ...

Kitty, I've known you for over 30 years now, and you have ALWAYS been on the edge. You have been way out in front of most of the people on this planet. Even though it has often been very uncomfortable for you, you have had the courage to stay out there and lead the way by your brilliant example. You truly are a blessing to this planet. Congratulations and Thank You!!!

Kitty...I never see you as living on the edge.I see you as leading edge!! Ahead of the curve to borrow from the printer commercial:)

It is a funny email to receive..cute and sweet...all I can say is you go girl...

extra special Italian NJ hugs sent your way...and that I am proud to know you and blessed too and consider you always near and dear to my heart and in my prayers and thoughts...good karma for you always..as you live on the leading edge of being fearless...you remind me of Thelma (Susan Sarandon..another NJ girl:) and you are smart and hear you roar as you do good wherever you go..stand up and be counted...leading edge..that's you:)


Thanks, y'all. It is good to know I'm not alone.

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