This isn't International Falls, MN, but because the roads in the Columbia Gorge, where I work, ice up quickly during the winter, right before Thanksgiving I got a set of studded snow tires for my car. Boy, are those things noisy! They also tear up the roads -- the middle lane of I-84 heading east out of Portland has two rough tire grooves running down its length -- so one doesn't want to use them for more than a couple of months.
I felt a bit conspicuous, being the only one in my neighborhood with loud tires, until the early winter storm arrived that now covers most of the continental US.
We had snow flurries for a couple of days in the Portland metro area, just enough to dust the fallen leaves and the bridge across the creek.

As I headed up the Interstate to work Tuesday morning, snow was falling, but not much was sticking to the ground. Once I entered the western Columbia Gorge and passed Multnomah Falls, that changed drastically. Parts of the Gorge received several inches of snow. I hate to sound all clichéd about a "winter wonderland" ... which doesn't actually do justice to the Gorge in winter, anyway.
Frozen waterfalls, icicles cascading down the cliff faces, snow drifts piled up beside the approach to the Bridge of the Gods in Cascade Locks, snow powdering the firs and cedars and giving definition to the cliffs and mountains.

This former Southern girl is so excited about driving in snow and living in an area where snow is ... normal.

Waterfront park in the little town in the Gorge where I work.
pretty pictures :)
this northern girl is ready for warm winters and no more snow, lol
i'm in miami at the moment...we're in the midst of a 4 week caribbean adventure :)
we've never had studded snow tires...well, not since i've been driving...must be great on the snow!! enjoy and be careful :)
Posted by: marlaine | Sunday, December 03, 2006 at 06:17 AM
Have a great holiday, Marlaine, and see you next year. :)
Posted by: Kitty | Friday, December 22, 2006 at 08:49 PM