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Wonderful post, Kitty. I can relate. Very, very touching and powerful.

I'm so glad you decided not to check out. I wouldn't have 'met' you and consequently I might not be where I am today which is HAPPY!

What I think I'm trying to say is that we are all individuals, but through interaction with others we grow and learn. You are a 'lagniappe' indeed.

PS deja vu - I'm almost sure I've both read this, and written this reply before.

Kitty, you have a beautiful way with words, and I'm so glad that things have turned around for you!!

i can relate...so clearly ;)
i'm in quite a transition period as well
let us enjoy the dance!

Thanks, y'all. I guess we're all dancing together :).

And Camy, that reminds me, I need to post an entry on my blog about my deja vu experiences since I've been here in Portland. ;)

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