One of the images I've always had in my mind of the Pacific Northwest is of ferns growing wild everywhere, out of rocky outcroppings and beside the roadways. I had no idea if that were really how it was, though. I'm here to tell you that it is.
These are my front steps, made out of the same native stone as the fireplace in my living room. It rained yesterday, when this photo was taken, and was rather cool .. temperatures in the low 60s F -- and on June 1st!! Have I said that life in this temperate rainforest is just awesome?
Hey, Kitty. what a beautiful fern! 60 degrees?'s 97 here today.
Anyway, when you get the chance, would you please e-mail me the pics of me in the blue shirt?
PS, that was a cute pic of the kitties in the suitcase.
Posted by: Merry | Saturday, June 03, 2006 at 11:13 AM
Ooops! Thanks for the reminder :).
Posted by: Kitty | Saturday, June 03, 2006 at 01:31 PM