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I'm sorry to hear of your loss, Kitty. Somewhere, Leo's rolling in catnip and chasing butterflies.

I'm so very sorry to hear you've lost a feline friend!

So sorry to hear about Leo.

Thanks, y'all. Leo belonged to a good friend of mine back in New Orleans. I met him when he was a kitten, and was around him a lot until he moved to Florida when he was seven. He helped me get through some challenging times. He was an "apple-head" Siamese, and had a sweet, delightful personality.

it certainly does go on...with or without us

my sympathies...pets aren't with us for long enough...ever

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss you have experienced. I have lost pets in the past, and the words, I know, just don't really comfort. All I can think to offer is that through knowing you briefly via your blog, your cat was a very lucky animal, and I'm sure had a rich life.

All the best Kitty.

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