For several years, I had this poem tacked up on the wall of my house in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.
Come to the edge, He said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, He said.
They came.
He pushed them ...
And they flew.-- Guillaume Apollinaire
I had a feeling of what it meant: the trusting needed to let go and do as your spirit -- your life -- directs, even if it means leaping over the abyss. I'd been preparing for this for a long time, knew it would happen someday, but didn't know how or when.
In the end, the leap itself wasn't about doing. The doing was in the preparing, the coming to the edge. My part in the actual leap was to allow myself to be pushed, to spread my arms and open myself to the experience.
In a couple of blog entries, I wrote that I am having the intention of letting what was happening act on me.
During the autumn, after the hurricane, I had the distinct feeling of being in free-fall.
Now I'm in flight. Look at what I've done.
** I just Googled "letting it act on me" and the results were my two blog posts and a chapter from an online "high fantasy" novel.
how wonderful to be free to fly...
soar on, pretty bird :)
Posted by: marlaine | Thursday, March 09, 2006 at 08:27 PM
:) :) :)
Posted by: Kitty | Friday, March 10, 2006 at 10:25 PM
Not only are you free and in flight Kitty..with the wonder Kats:) but you are now famous and in Google...pretty nifty to me!! Plus, you are an amazing editor to one of my favorite stories...You are one of my all time favorite Women of Substance!! Hugs and Good Karma sent your keep it real and full of love, good karma and feeling the feelings....and doing things as the the old saying goes, all things happen for a reason and we are where we need to be....its true....and decisions we make are right for the no looking back without regret....and pardon this pun from this Gay man..but we all move ever Gayly have come ions in a few short months and I am ever so proud of you!! Love and Rainbow Hugs sent your way:)
Posted by: Michael | Friday, March 17, 2006 at 07:06 AM
Well, I used to say I wanted to be a "famous writer", but because I was shy, I'd have to do it anonymously. I guess with the Internet, all things are possible. lol
Anyway, thanks, Michael. *hugs*
Posted by: Kitty | Friday, March 17, 2006 at 09:16 PM